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Fees: English-Spanish Program
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Elearn Introductory Offer

Th Elearn by Email option is no longer available.
Please visit our Main Page for current information.

If you have the following qualifications, you may sign up now:

1. College-level language skills in English and another language.
2. Or at least two years of professional work experience in the US. You do not need to have healthcare experience.
3. Ability to use the Internet (send and receive emails, follow links, open WORD and PDF documents, receive audios, and view videos).
4. Have phone and Internet access.
5. You plan to receive your Professional Medical Interpreter Certificate within 3 months or less.
You may complete each assignment packet every 5-7 days for the 3 month option.
You may submit each assignment packet every 3-5 days for the expedited option. This option is only available if you are a healthcare professional and if you pass the Screening Test with 90% grade.

All requirements must be completed satisfactorily, both Part 1 and Part 2, including the Final Skills Evaluation, in order to receive a certificate.

If you speak a language other than Spanish, check out the Language Pack Option below. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for information about our available Language Packs.

Are you ready to start?


If you speak a language other than Spanish (Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean) you may sign up for a Language Pack. For the Language Pack, you will receive access to the course library in these languages, and your Final Oral Exam will be conducted in the specific language.
To sign up for a Language Pack in addition to the Elearn Program, sign up here:

Any questions? Contact me at director@culture-advantage.com or call me at anytime.


|HOME| |Online Programs| |Instructors and Mentors| |Apply Here| |English-Spanish (ESP)| |Fees: English-Spanish Program| |English-Mandarin Program| |English-Russian Program| |English-Arabic Program| |English-Korean Program| |English-Portuguese (EPP)| |Fast Track 2012| |About| |Payment Plans| |Other Fees| |Screening| |TERMS| |Policies| |Sample| |Contact Us| |Bilingual Nurses| |Old Payment Plans| |gpage| |Evaluation Appointment| |Jobs|